Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales


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Text titleATULanguageAuthorOriginPublication Date
Y llwynog a’r llew050BWelshGan Glan AlunGreece1887
Ὄνος καὶ ἀλώπηξ καὶ λέων050BAncient GreekΑἴσωποςGreece_
The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion050BEnglishGeorge Fyler TownsendGreece1867
De ezel en de vos050BDutch_Greece_
Az oroszlánról, szamárról és rókáról.050BHungarianPesti GáborHungary1536
Yn Assyl, yn Shynnagh as yn Lion050BManxEdward FaragherGreece1901

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