
Aesop's Fables

AuthorGeorge Fyler Townsend
Publication Date1867


001The Wolf and the Lamb_Greece
002The Bat and the Weasels 222AGreece
003The Ass and the Grasshopper 292Greece
004The Lion and the Mouse075Greece
005The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller_Greece
007The Boy Hunting Locusts_Greece
009The Kingdom of the Lion_Greece
010The Wolf and the Crane76Greece
011The Fisherman Piping_Greece
013The Ants and the Grasshopper280AGreece
015The Dog and the Shadow034AGreece
016The Mole and His Mother_Greece
017The Herdsman and the Lost Bull_Greece
019The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble_Greece
020The Farmer and the Stork233Greece
022The Fawn and His Mother_Greece
023The Bear and the Fox_Greece
024The Swallow and the Crow_Greece
026The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion050BGreece
027The Tortoise and the Eagle225AGreece
028The Flies and the Honey-Pot_Greece
032The Fox and the Goat_Greece
033The Bear and the Two Travelers_Greece
034The Oxen and the Axle-Trees_Greece
035The Thirsty Pigeon_Greece
038The Miser1305BGreece
040The Horse and Groom1682Greece
041The Ass and the Lapdog214Greece
042The Lioness_Greece
045The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat_Greece
050The Ass and the Mule207BGreece
054The Salt Merchant and His Ass211Greece
056The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox_Greece
057The Vain Jackdaw_Greece
059The Mischievous Dog_Greece
060The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail64Greece
062The Man and His Two Sweethearts_Greece
063The Astronomer_Greece
064The Wolves and the Sheep_Greece
065The Old Woman and the Physician_Greece
067The Charger and the Miller_Greece
069The Horse and His Rider_Greece
070The Belly and the Members293Greece
071The Vine and the Goat_Greece
073The Widow and Her Little Maidens_Greece
074The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf1333Greece
078The Shepherd and the Wolf_Greece
079The Father and His Two Daughters1830Greece
080The Farmer and His Sons_Greece
081The Crab and Its Mother276Greece
082The Heifer and the Ox_Greece
083The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice_Greece
084The Thief and His Mother838Greece
085The Old Man and Death_Greece
086The Fir-Tree and the Bramble_Greece
087The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk278Greece
088The Man Bitten by a Dog_Greece
089The Two Pots_Greece
090The Wolf and the Sheep_Greece
091The Aethiop_Greece
092The Fisherman and His Nets253Greece
096The Two Dogs_Greece
099The Widow and the Sheep_Greece
100The Wild Ass and the Lion_Greece
101The Eagle and the Arrow_Greece
102The Sick Kite_Greece
103The Lion and the Dolphin_Greece
104The Lion and the Boar_Greece
105The One-Eyed Doe_Greece
106The Shepherd and the Sea_Greece
107The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion_Greece
108The Mice and the Weasels_Greece
110The Wolf and the Housedog201Greece
114The Master and His Dogs_Greece
117The Ass Carrying the Image_Greece
118The Two Travelers and the Axe_Greece
121The Bee and Jupiter_Greece
123The Seaside Travelers_Greece
124The Brazier and His Dog_Greece
126The Ass and His Masters_Greece
127The Oak and the Reeds_Greece
128The Fisherman and the Little Fish_Greece
130The Wild Boar and the Fox_Greece
131The Lion in a Farmyard_Greece
132Mercury and the Sculptor_Greece
135The Fox and the Woodcutter161Greece
137The Monkey and the Fishermen38Greece
138The Flea and the Wrestler_Greece
141The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox_Greece
142The Doe and the Lion_Greece
144The Seagull and the Kite_Greece
147The Lion and the Hare_Greece
148The Peasant and the Eagle_Greece
149The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter1643Greece
150The Bull and the Goat_Greece
152The Fox and the Leopard_Greece
153The Monkeys and Their Mother_Greece
154The Oaks and Jupiter_Greece
156The Traveler and Fortune_Greece
157The Bald Knight_Greece
158The Shepherd and the Dog_Greece
159The Lamp_Greece
160The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass51Greece
163The Hen and the Golden Eggs_Greece
164The Ass and the Frogs_Greece
165The Crow and the Raven_Greece
167The Crab and the Fox_Greece
168The Woman and Her Hen_Greece
170The Kites and the Swans_Greece
171The Wolves and the Sheepdogs_Greece
172The Hares and the Foxes_Greece
174The Camel_Greece
175The Wasp and the Snake_Greece
176The Dog and the Hare_Greece
179The Peacock and the Crane_Greece
183The Mule_Greece
184The Hart and the Vine_Greece
187The Two Frogs_Greece
187The Two Frogs_Greece
189The Walnut-Tree_Greece
190The Gnat and the Lion_Greece
191The Monkey and the Dolphin_Greece
192The Jackdaw and the Doves_Greece
193The Horse and the Stag_Greece
194The Kid and the Wolf122CGreece
195The Prophet_Greece
200The Wolf and the Shepherd_Greece
205The Boy Bathing_Greece
206The Ass and the Wolf_Greece
208The Fox and the Grapes59Greece
209The Man and His Wife_Greece
212The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox_Greece
213The Wolf and the Goat_Greece
214The Lion and the Bull_Greece
215The Goat and the Ass_Greece
219The Fishermen_Greece
220The Lion and the Three Bulls_Greece
221The Fowler and the Viper_Greece
224The Geese and the Cranes_Greece
225The Blind Man and the Whelp_Greece
228The Wolf and the Horse_Greece
230The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer_Greece
231The Crow and Mercury_Greece
232The North Wind and the Sun298Greece
233The Two Men Who Were Enemies_Greece
234The Gamecocks and the Partridge_Greece
236The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox50Greece
240The Spendthrift and the Swallow_Greece
243The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner_Greece
244The Ass in the Lion's Skin214BGreece
246The Flea and the Ox_Greece
248The Dove and the Crow_Greece
249Mercury and the Workmen729Greece
254The Man and the Satyr1342Greece
255The Ass and His Purchaser_Greece
256The Two Bags_Greece
258The Jackdaw and the Fox115Greece
260The Gnat and the Bull281Greece
262The Dogs and the Hides_Greece
263The Shepherd and the Sheep_Greece
265The Monkey and the Camel_Greece
266The Peasant and the Apple-Tree_Greece
269The Mother and the Wolf_Greece
271Truth and the Traveler_Greece
272The Manslayer_Greece
275The Hen and the Swallow_Greece
277The Crow and the Serpent_Greece
279The King's Son and the Painted Lion934AGreece
280The Cat and Venus_Greece
285The Fox and the Bramble_Greece
286The Wolf and the Lion_Greece
286The Wolf and the Lion_Greece
287The Dog and the Oyster_Greece
288The Ant and the Dove_Greece
289The Partridge and the Fowler_Greece
290The Flea and the Man_Greece
291The Thieves and the Cock_Greece
292The Dog and the Cook_Greece
293The Travelers and the Plane-Tree_Greece
294The Hares and the Frogs70Greece
295The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant_Greece
296The Lamb and the Wolf_Greece
297The Rich Man and the Tanner_Greece
298The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea_Greece
300The Viper and the File_Greece
301The Lion and the Shepherd_Greece
302The Camel and Jupiter_Greece
304The Ass and the Charger_Greece
309The Ass and His Driver_Greece
310The Thrush and the Fowler_Greece
311The Rose and the Amaranth_Greece
312The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun_Greece