Nr. | Title | ATU | Origin |
1 | Tale Of a Tortoise and Of a Mischievous Monkey | _ | _
2 | The Story Of the Hero Makoma | _ | Zimbabwe
3 | The Magic Mirror | _ | Zimbabwe
4 | Story Of the King Who Would See Paradise | _ | South & Central Asia
5 | How Isuro the Rabbit Tricked Gudu | _ | Zimbabwe
6 | Ian, the Soldier's Son | _ | _
7 | The Fox and the Wolf | 32 | Spain
8 | How Ian Direach Got the Blue Falcon | _ | Scotland
9 | The Ugly Duckling | _ | Denmark
10 | The Two Caskets | 480 | Sweden
11 | The Goldsmith's Fortune | _ | _
12 | The Enchanted Wreath | 480 | Sweden
13 | The Foolish Weaver | 1287 | South & Central Asia
14 | The Clever Cat | _ | Africa (Berber)
15 | The Story Of Manus | _ | Scotland
16 | Pinkel the Thief | _ | Sweden
17 | The Adventures Of a Jackal | _ | Africa (Berber)
18 | The Adventures Of the Jackal's Eldest Son | _ | _
19 | The Adventures Of the Younger Son Of the Jackal | _ | Africa (Berber)
20 | The Three Treasures Of the Giants | 569 | Slavic Europe
21 | The Rover Of the Plain | _ | South Africa
22 | The White Doe | 898 | France
23 | The Girl-fish | _ | Spain
24 | The Owl and the Eagle | _ | Native North America
25 | The Frog and the Lion Fairy | _ | France
26 | The Princess Bella-Flor | _ | Spain
26 | The Adventures Of Covan the Brown-haired | _ | Ireland
27 | The Bird of Truth | 707 | Spain
27 | The Princess Bella-flor | _ | Spain
28 | The Bird Of Truth | 707 | Spain
29 | The Mink and the Wolf | _ | Native North America
30 | Adventures Of An Indian Brave | _ | Native North America
31 | How the Stalos Were Tricked | 328 | Finland
32 | Andras Baive | _ | Finland
33 | The White Slipper | _ | Spain
34 | The Magic Book | 325 | Denmark |