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Documents > Author > Frederick Colin Tilney

42 documents

IDText titleATULanguageOriginPublication Date
trans-8456.xmlThe Ape_EnglishFrance_
trans-8459.xmlThe League of Rats_EnglishFrance_
trans-8442.xmlThe Sculptor and the Statue of Jupiter_EnglishFrance_
trans-8426.xmlThe Rat Retired From the World_EnglishFrance_
trans-8428.xmlThe Wishes_EnglishFrance_
trans-8458.xmlThe Elephant and Jupiter's Ape_EnglishFrance_
trans-8435.xmlThe Dog Who Carried his Master's Dinner_EnglishFrance_
trans-8434.xmlThe Power of Fable_EnglishFrance_
trans-8440.xmlThe Acorn and the Pumpkin_EnglishFrance_
trans-8433.xmlThe Cobbler and the Financier_EnglishFrance_
trans-8441.xmlThe Schoolboy, the Pedant, and the Owner of a Garden_EnglishFrance_
trans-8446.xmlThe Dog With his Ears Cropped_EnglishFrance_
trans-8451.xmlThe Companions of Ulysses_EnglishFrance_
trans-8415.xmlThe Rat and the Elephant_EnglishFrance_
trans-8439.xmlDemocritus and the People of Abdera_EnglishFrance_
trans-8453.xmlLove and Folly_EnglishFrance_
trans-8449.xmlThe Lion, the Monkey, and the Two Asses_EnglishFrance_
trans-8421.xmlThe Hare and the Partridge_EnglishFrance_
trans-8422.xmlThe Gardener and his Landlord_EnglishFrance_
trans-8450.xmlThe Wolf and the Fox In the Well_EnglishFrance_
trans-8460.xmlThe Arbiter, the Hospitaller, and the Hermit_EnglishFrance_
trans-8452.xmlThe Wolf and the Fox_EnglishFrance_
trans-8423.xmlThe Man and his Image_EnglishFrance_
trans-8455.xmlThe Fox and the Young Turkeys_EnglishFrance_
trans-8454.xmlThe Forest and the Woodcutter_EnglishFrance_
trans-8431.xmlThe Man Who Ran After Fortune and
The Man Who Waited For her In his Bed
trans-8447.xmlThe Rabbits_EnglishFrance_
trans-8425.xmlThe Unhappily Married Man_EnglishFrance_
trans-8445.xmlThe Two Rats, the Fox, and the Egg_EnglishFrance_
trans-8424.xmlThe Animals Sick of the Plague_EnglishFrance_
trans-8432.xmlThe Fortune-tellers_EnglishFrance_
trans-4887.xmlThe Two Mules_EnglishFrance_
trans-8444.xmlThe Monkey and the Cat_EnglishFrance_
trans-8429.xmlThe Dairy-woman and the Pail of Milk_EnglishFrance_
trans-8448.xmlThe Gods Wishing To Instruct a Son of Jupiter_EnglishFrance_
trans-8427.xmlThe Maiden_EnglishFrance_
trans-8443.xmlThe Oyster and the Pleaders_EnglishFrance_
trans-8436.xmlThyrsis and Amaranth_EnglishFrance_
trans-8457.xmlThe Scythian Philosopher_EnglishFrance_
trans-8430.xmlThe Priest and the Corpse_EnglishFrance_
trans-8437.xmlThe Horoscope_EnglishFrance_