
The Ass and the Flute

AuthorThomas Roscoe
Book TitleAn Argosy of Fables
Publication Date1921

YOU must know that this ditty. This little romance, Be it dull, be it witty. Arose from mere chance.

Near a certain enclosure. Not far from my manse, An Ass with composure Was browsing by chance.

As he went along prying. With sober advance, A shepherd's Flute lying He found there by chance.

Our amateur started, And eyed it askance. Drew nearer and snorted Upon it by chance.

The breath of the brute. Sir, Drew music for once; It entered the Flute, Sir, And blew it by chance.

"Ah!" cried he in wonder, "How comes this to pass? Who will now dare to slander The skill of an Ass?"

And Asses in plenty, I see at a glance Will, one time in twenty. Succeed by mere chance.

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