
Copa Nanzi and the cricket


Copa Kriki, the cricket, was a good friend of Nanzi's. Therefore Nanzi invited him one day to come for dinner. Copa Kriki happily accepted. He went well dressed. When it was twelve o'clock, Shi Maria called everyone to the table. Copa Kriki was smelling something nice for a long while. He could not even talk normally anymore. His eyes started to shine when Shi Maria dished out the soup of tripe and legs.

Copa Kriki ate first one, and then two plates, and then even asked for a third plate of the delicious soup. he was licking his lips. "Shi Maria, I liked it very much. After dinner I will whistle something for you." Copa Kriki whistled with delight. Everybody at the table loved it. When Copa Kriki got up to go home, Nanzi told him: "Drop by again soon." Copa Kriki thought: I will come back tomorrow already, then I can use the opportunity to stay for dinner.

From that moment onwards, Copa Kriki came by every day, exactly at dinner time. Shi Maria always felt obliged to ask Copa Kriki to stay for dinner. Because he had not been invited, the whole family had to eat less, so that Copa Kriki could get a plate. In the beginning nobody said a word, but after a couple of days Nanzi got angry. He was thinking hard what to do so that Copa Kriki would not stop by anymore.

That afternoon, when they were eating funchi and jambo, Copa Kriki said that his own wife would not cook that well. "How come the food of Shi Maria is so nice. I would like the bellies of my kids to be as round as those of Nanzi's." "That is easy," Nanzi told him, "I will tell you the secret. But you cannot tell anyone!"

Copa Kriki swore that even even they would beat him to death, he would still not tell anyone. And Nanzi said: "When dinner is almost ready, I jump into the pan. That way, my spinal cord cooks along with the food for a while." "Thank you friend, and God bless you."

Copa Kriki maybe stupid, but Coma Kriki was also not one of the smartest. That is how something very sad happened. The next day Copa Kriki waited until dinner was almost ready, and went into the kitchen. "What are we eating today, my dear?" he asked. "Today we are eating steamed pumpking, Papa dear". Copa Kirki told his wife what Nanzi had taught him. "Let me have a look that if my spinal cord is as tasty as Copa Nanzi's."

Coma Kriki took the lid off the pan and he jumped in full of confidence. And oh my Lord! He yelled so loud that everyone in the house came looking. Too late! They could no longer save Copa Kriki from the pan. He died a painful death. Copa Nanzi, Shi Maria, and all the kids came to the funeral and Nanzi cried his heart out over the death of his dear friend.

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