Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales


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1534A. The Innocent Man Chosen to Fit the Stake (Noose)

I. The Holy Man and His Disciple. A holy man and his disciple come to a city where the king and all his ministers are fools, and where all items of food sell for the same price [J342.1.1, X1503.3]. The holy man leaves at once, but the disciple stays…


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Text titleATULanguageAuthorOriginPublication Date
The Rich Brother and the Poor Brother1534EnglishAndrew LangPortugal1910

External Examples

Judge and the Baker 1534 Egyptian Internet Archive
Judgement of the Qadi 1534 Arab Internet Archive
Man with Many Court Cases 1534 Israeli Internet Archive
Rich Brother and Poor Brother 1534 Portuguese Internet Archive
Shemiaka the Judge 1534 Russian Internet Archive

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