Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales
285: The child and the snake
The snake drinks from the child's milk-bottle.
285A. The Dead Child and the Snake's Tail
White snake brings luck to house. He is fed milk. People kill snake and thereafter have bad luck.
285B. Falling Nut Saves Man from Serpent
Farmer sleeps under tree. Snake is about to crawl into his mouth. Nut drops from tree, wakens the farmer who kills snake and eats nut.
285C. Farmer Feeds Serpent so that it will not Eat Cattle
Feeds it hot stones (pins) so that it dies.
285D. Man and Serpent
Snake is given milk. Gives gold from tail as reward. Later man's son wants all gold at once and cuts the tail off. Boy is bitten by snake. Man tries to give snake milk again, but they can't be reconciled for each has injuries that cannot be…
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