Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales


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433A. A Serpent Carries a Princess into its Castle

433B. King Dragon

A childless queen bears a boy who stays in serpent form. When he grows up he demands a wife and his father finds a maiden who is willing. (In some versions, he devours the bride and only after several have tried does the bride survive). She (or her…

433C. The Serpent Husband and the Jealous Girl

A girl marries a serpent. She is given many jewels and ornaments. The serpent becomes a handsome youth; the girl burns the snake skin and lives happily with the youth. A jealous girl demands that her father marry her to a serpent. One is caught and…


show original versionsshow all versions including translationsshow English versions
Text titleATULanguageAuthorOriginPublication Date
Il principe granchio433ItalianItalo CalvinoItaly1956
O Príncipe Sapo425D,433BPortugueseAdolfo CoelhoPortugal1879
King Lindorm433BEnglishAndrew LangSweden1897
The Golden Crab433BEnglishAndrew LangGreece1894
Il Re serpente433ItalianItalo CalvinoItaly1956

External Examples

Beast that Took a Wife 433B Egyptian Internet Archive
Crab Prince 433B Italian Internet Archive
Girl with two Husbands 433B Greek Internet Archive
Serpent King 433B Italian Internet Archive
Turtle and his Bride 433B Native American Internet Archive

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