Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales

610: The Healing Fruit

ATU > 300-749: TALES OF MAGIC > 560-649: Magic Objects > 610: The Healing Fruit


The sick princess is offered to the man who can cure her [T681, H346]. An old woman [N825.3] gives healing power to the fruits [D1500.1.5] of the youngest brother [Q2, L13]. After the youngest brother has succeeded [L10] he is given tasks: herding rabbits (Type 570); making a land and water ship (Type 513), and fetching a feather from a magic bird (Type 461). He performs the tasks, goes and makes a fortune, returns and humbles the king and marries the princess [L161].


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Text titleATULanguageAuthorOriginPublication Date
The griffin610EnglishMargaret HuntGermany_

External Examples

King's DaughterWho Could Never Get Enough Figs 610 Italian Internet Archive
The Griffin 610 German Internet Archive

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