Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales

980: Old Grandfathers and Their Grandsons

ATU > 850-999: REALISTIC TALES > 970-999: Other Realistic Tales > 980: Old Grandfathers and Their Grandsons


Ungrateful Son Reproved by Naive Actions of Own Son: Preparing for Old Age [W121].


980A. The Half-Carpet

A man gives his old father half a carpet to keep him warm. The child keeps the other half and tells his father that he is keeping it for him when he grows old. [W121].

980B. The Wooden Bowl

980D. Meat Springs as a Toad on the Face of an Ungrateful Son

No examples in our database yet

External Examples

De paardendeken 980 Netherlands 1898 Nederlandse VolksverhalenBank
El muchacho que no mató a su abuelo 980 Argelia Óscar Abenójar 2013 Corpus de Literatura Oral
Old Grandfather and his Grandson 980 German Internet Archive
The Ungrateful Son 980D German Internet Archive

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