Folk Tale

Yn Lion as ny Tree Terriu

Translated From

Βόες τρεῖς καὶ λέων.

LanguageAncient Greek

Other Translations / Adaptations

Text titleLanguageAuthorPublication Date
The Lion and the Three BullsEnglishGeorge Fyler Townsend1867
The Two Bulls and the LionEnglishLaura Gibbs_
I tri vvoi e u liuniSicilian__
TitleYn Lion as ny Tree Terriu
Original TitleΒόες τρεῖς καὶ λέων.
Original AuthorΑἴσωπος
Original IDtrans-4787.xml
Book AuthorEdward Faragher
Chapter Nr.01
Language codeglv

Va three terriu son traa liauyr gyndyr cooidjagh. Va lion lhie ayns cooill jerkal dy jannoo ad e cragh, agh v'eh agglit dy huittym orroo ooilley cooidjagh. Ec-y-jerrey lesh goan foalsey ren eh scarrey ad, eisht huitt eh orroo fegooish aggle myr va'n gyndyr nyn lomarcan, as jannoo giens orroo, ger lurg fer, ayns e hraa hene.

Ta unnaneys niart.

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