Aarne-Thompson-Uther (ATU) - Types of Folktales


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Text titleATULanguageAuthorOriginPublication Date
Het sprookje van Luilekkerland1930DutchM.M. de Vries-VogelGermany1940
Het leugensprookje uit Dietmark1930DutchM.M. de Vries-VogelGermany1940
Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen1930GermanJacob & Wilhelm GrimmGermany1812
Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland1930GermanJacob & Wilhelm GrimmGermany1812
Filastrocca di bugie1930Italian_Germany_
La favola del paese di Cuccagna1930Italian_Germany_
Chuyện cổ tích về xứ Schlauraffen1930Vietnamese_Germany_
Chuyện cổ tích tưởng tượng ở miền Đithmarsen1930Vietnamese_Germany_
En løgnehistorie fra Ditmarsken1930Danish_Germany_
Eventyret om Slaraffenland1930Danish_Germany_
El cuento de los despropósitos1930Spanish_Germany_
El cuento de las mentiras1930Spanish_Germany_
The tale of Cockaigne1930EnglishMargaret HuntGermany_
Bajka Kłamczucha1930Polish_Germany_
The Ditmarsch tale of wonders1930English_Germany1884

External Examples

Chilean Swindlers 1930 Chilean Internet Archive
Doun on yon Bank 1930 British Internet Archive
Down Underground 1930 British Internet Archive
I Saddled my Sow 1930 British Internet Archive
Jack the Giant Killer 2 1930 British Internet Archive
One Sesame Seed 1930 Egyptian Internet Archive
Pynots in the Crabtree 1930 British Internet Archive
Rabbits baste themselves 1930 British Internet Archive
Sir Gammer Vans 1930 British Internet Archive
The Tale of Cockaigne (Schlaraffenland) 1930 German Internet Archive
The Tall Tale from Ditmar (Lying Tale) 1930 German Internet Archive
Thrawn Sang 1930 British Internet Archive
Wee Yowe 1930 British Internet Archive

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